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Our new floating photovoltaic plant built on the water reservoir.

Following our pillars of sustainability, decarbonization, and energy autonomy, we recently inaugurated our new floating plant photovoltaic plant (the size of a football stadium) built on our also recently constructed irrigation reservoir. This photovoltaic plant generates a power of 7000KW and intended for self-consumption. This initiative represents a significant advancement in our sustainability and environmental care policy: -It improves our…

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Ratatouille with mozzarella and The Palace Blend EVOO

INGREDIENTES 1 ó 2 berenjenas 1 ó 2 calabacines 2 tomates 1 cebolla AOVE Blend del Palacio Tomate triturado Mozzarella (preferiblemente loncheada) sal ajo en polvo pimienta negra hierbas mediterráneas al gusto: orégano, tomillo, albahaca… PREPARACIÓN Corta todas las verduras en rodajas. Para disminuir el tiempo de cocción en horno, podemos meter cada tipo de verdura ya en rodajas unos…

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Patio de Viana EVOO, Autumn Harvest

Our Patio de Viana extra virgin olive oils are single-varietals of what we have called “Autumn Harvest” and which we make from the best olives that grow in our olive grove (Arbequina & Picual varietals). Our experts in agronomy and quality closely follow the evolution of our olive trees throughout the year, thanks to the Precision Agriculture we practice. To…

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