
Pumpkin and asparagus risotto

INGREDIENTS 2 PAX 100g rice 1 onion 500g de squash pumpkin 500ml vegetal broth Green asparagus Rosemary & salt EVOO Patio de Viana Arbequina PREPARATION Peel and cut the onion and the squash pumpkin. We grind with the help of a food processor, for a few seconds (we do not want it to crush too much). We put in a…

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Ratatouille with mozzarella and The Palace Blend EVOO

INGREDIENTES 1 ó 2 berenjenas 1 ó 2 calabacines 2 tomates 1 cebolla AOVE Blend del Palacio Tomate triturado Mozzarella (preferiblemente loncheada) sal ajo en polvo pimienta negra hierbas mediterráneas al gusto: orégano, tomillo, albahaca… PREPARACIÓN Corta todas las verduras en rodajas. Para disminuir el tiempo de cocción en horno, podemos meter cada tipo de verdura ya en rodajas unos…

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Sardine, apple and blue cheese salad

INGREDIENTS 1 apple 1 tomato 1 mezclum bag 1 can of  big sardines Blue cheese Palacio Marqués de Viana El Blend del Palacio EVOO PREPARATION First, cut the apple, the blue cheese and tomato into tiny pieces. Put the mezclum in a bowl and add the previous ingredients. To finish our dish, place some sardines on top and dress generously…

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