Tag: Palacio Marques de Viana

Ratatouille, Spinach and goat cheese Frittata with Palacio Marques de Viana Blend Sublime Evoo

INGREDIENTS 1 zucchini 1 red pepper 1 onion Spinach Goat cheese roll Tomato 4 eggs Milk Palacio Marques de Viana Blend Sublime EVOO Salt Pepper ELABORATION Chop the zucchini, pepper and onion and fry them with a bit of our Palacio Marques de Viana Blend Sublime EVOO. Once cooked “al dente”, add thenatural grated tomato together with the spinach. Preheat…

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Sustainable olive grove and rich biodiversity

We truly believe in sustainability and biodiversity, which are part of our brand philosophy and are essential for the natural development and health of our ecosystem. Therefore, we daily take care of our olive grove and the different species that cohabit, both animals and plants. To this effect, as you know, we have several active projects whose goal is to…

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Olive trees flowering!

We already have our olive trees flowering! With the spring and one week earlier than usual, our olive grove has been filled with flowers which, thanks to the abundant pollen that we see these days, will manage to be fecundated and promise us… a wonderful harvest! Thanks to our Precision Agriculture, we will follow very closely the state of our…

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