Tag: evoo

Ratatouille with mozzarella and The Palace Blend EVOO

INGREDIENTES 1 ó 2 berenjenas 1 ó 2 calabacines 2 tomates 1 cebolla AOVE Blend del Palacio Tomate triturado Mozzarella (preferiblemente loncheada) sal ajo en polvo pimienta negra hierbas mediterráneas al gusto: orégano, tomillo, albahaca… PREPARACIÓN Corta todas las verduras en rodajas. Para disminuir el tiempo de cocción en horno, podemos meter cada tipo de verdura ya en rodajas unos…

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Patio de Viana EVOO, Autumn Harvest

Our Patio de Viana extra virgin olive oils are single-varietals of what we have called “Autumn Harvest” and which we make from the best olives that grow in our olive grove (Arbequina & Picual varietals). Our experts in agronomy and quality closely follow the evolution of our olive trees throughout the year, thanks to the Precision Agriculture we practice. To…

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Herbs mayonnaise

INGREDIENTS 1 egg Small spoon of dijon mustard Parsley Chives Salt & pepper Half lemon juice Extra Virgin Olive Oil Patio de Viana Arbequina ELABORATION Break the eggs and separate the yolks in a bowl, then, use a stick to beat the yokes. Add the dijon mustard and mix all together. Pour some Patio de Viana Arbequina EVOO, little by…

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